


Msze polskie w Hastings w PIERWSZA NIEDZIELE kazdego miesiaca o godzinie 18.30 w kosciele St Mary Star of the Sea na High Street w Hastings


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(Polacy w Hastings)




Moja Wyspa


About us

Poles In Hastings,  formalny Polish Association In Hastings and Surrounding Areas, is a group of local Poles which was created In March 2008.

The group was organised In order to strengthen links within the community of Polish nationals, to offer help and advice regarding various aspects of life in the UK as well as to pro vide a link between our community and local institutions.

It is our aim to promote learning English and helping both children and adults in access to education. We also aim to help In employment related issues as well as entourage Polish pe ople to start their own businesses. We support the idea  of an active role we Poles can play in the life of the local community by participating in local events and cooperation with similar organisations.

Our group is open for different ideas and we welcome everyone who would like to get involved in our activities. We believe that together we will be able to offer a lot not Only amongst ourselves but also to the wider community.






10 April 2008 


The name of the Association:

Polish Association in Hastings and Surrounding Areas 


Area of Benefit:

Hastings and St. Leonards-on-sea and surrounding areas 


Mission statement  

Aims and Objectives

§  To bring together Poles in Hastings and the surrounding areas

§  To link Poles with the local authority and its partners.

§  To represent Poles on appropriate local bodies.

§  To ensure access and support to education for Poles locally.

§  To support with housing and accommodation needs.

§  To support Poles to understand and abide by British Law.

§  To provide language support.

§  To encourage and support employment. 



1.    In order to further its aims and objectives, the association shall have the following powers:

2.    To raise funds PROVIDED THAT in raising funds the association shall not undertake any permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of law.

3.    To rent, lease or buy premises and necessary equipment.

4.    To undertake research and publish results.

5.    To charge fees for services (including for training and corporate consultancy) and publications supplied when it considers it necessary to do so to recover its outlay, but on a non-profit- making basis and without engaging in any permanent trading activities.

6.    To employ and pay staff.

7.    To insure to full value against loss or damage any property belonging to the Association.

8.    To insure and to indemnify its staff and voluntary workers against all such risks incurred in the performance of their duties as may be thought fit.

9.    Otherwise to expend funds as necessary to further its objects; subject to such consents, as may be required by law, to sell, mortgage, charge or borrow on the security of any real property belonging to the association;

10. Power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the furtherance of the aims and objectives.  



§  The members of the association consist of people over the age of 18 – with Polish citizenship living permanently in Great Britain who support the above aims and objectives. Members of the association have the right to:

1.    vote at committee meetings

2.    to engage in any parties, meetings and other reunions


§  Members of the association have the responsibility to:

1.    take part in and agree to work within the framework of the constitution of the association

2.    follow the rules of the mission statement

3.    act on good partnership, strengthen links between members and not to take for granted loyalty of the association 

Termination of membership and withdrawal of recognition  

The committee (see below) shall have power to –  

Terminate membership of those whose actions are detrimental or is deemed to be prejudicial to the interests of the association or who consistently fails to participate in the affairs of the association; PROVIDED THAT the group or individual or associate member shall have the right to be heard by the committee before a final decision is made and thereafter a right of appeal to the next ordinary general meeting of the organisation.  

Any member of the association may resign her/his/its membership and any representative of a group member may resign her/his position by giving to the Secretary written notice to that effect. If this would leave the committee short of enough committee members to run the committee, replacements must be found before the member can resign.  


The committee

The Committee should be made up of members including the officers.  The committee should consist of a Chair, vice-chair, Treasurer and Secretary (the officers) as well as other committee members, who are not part of the officer posts (officer position).  Officers are elected for two consecutive years. The committee may take on members onto the committee to fill any vacancies that may arise during its year.  The committee may also take on other members onto the committee where appropriate. 

The Committee shall have the power to remove elected and co-opted members and individuals from the Committee.  This may be done either as a result of misconduct, or if a member fails to attend three consecutive committee meetings without giving apologies provided that:

(i) There is, in the opinion of the Committee, a good reason for removing the member.

(ii) The member is informed of the proposal to refuse or end their committee membership and the reason for it.

(iii) The member is given the opportunity to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is taken.  

The committee may decide to reward a member of the committee for special services for the organization provided that such a reward is agreed upon in a meeting by the committee and that the member who is granted that reward under discussion shall not take part in such meeting. 


The Committee is responsible for calling and arranging meetings. However, any member of the Association is entitled to request for the meeting to be called.   Meetings can be called as frequently as required and at least four times a year.  

Date and the place of every meeting together with the Agenda should be communicated by email to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. 

The Secretary takes minutes during the meetings. Minutes should contain the following information: 

1.    Date and place of the meeting

2.    Participants list

3.    Agenda

4.    Decisions made. 


The Committee must file and keep all the minutes. Minutes shall be published on the Association’s website and made available for every member. 

The Annual General Meeting should be called once a year. At the Annual General meeting the Committee presents the Annual Report that must contain the following information: 

1.    Summary of tasks, targets and achievements of the Association

2.    Financial Report


All members are entitled to vote at General Meetings.

All members of the Committee are entitled to vote at Committee meetings. In the event of a tied vote the Chair shall have the casting vote. 

An open voting or voting by secret ballot is acceptable placed at the discretion of the committee.  


1.    All funds must be paid into no more than one bank account in the name of the Association.

2.    Four members of the Association should be authorized to sign on behalf of the Association.

3.    At any financial operation the signatures of three members (out of four authorized persons) are required.

4.    Funds shall be used to meet the cost of agreed projects and initiatives as decided by the Committee

5.    All accounts must be frequently vetted and approved by the Committee at every Committee meeting  

Amendments to Constitution

No amendment can be made in regard of altering: 

1.    The name of the Association

2.    The aims and objectives of the organization

3.    The dissolution of the organization 

The Constitution can be amended by resolution passed by a majority of the members present at any Annual General Meeting.  

Notice of resolutions to amend the Constitution shall be given in writing no less than 28 days before the Annual General Meeting in writing to the Secretary.  


The Association may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by two third majorities of those present and voting at the meeting of the Association of which at least 21 clear days notice must have been sent by email to all members and published on the Association’s website.      

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